Online Dating

43 Funny Tinder Questions Your Matches Will Love

Dating online is fun and the best thing about it is that you can do it from the comfort of your home! As easy and chill as that might sound, it comes with the unwritten caveat that there is not much of an impression you can make other than your opener. So while all you have to do is play around with words, to truly make a solid impression on your online match, your words have to be crafted carefully. But don’t feel pressured and fear not. Because I am here to help you with my expertise in funny Tinder questions to help you get going.

I have spent enough time on Tinder by this point to know that it is difficult to strike up a conversation at times. In this day and age, Tinder is not just something which lonely people use to pass their time. People online, are actually looking to date and even marry. Which is why the competition is tough and how things will proceed with your match all depends on the first impression you make.

37 Funny Tinder Questions Your Matches Will Love And Respond To

Here’s what I think must have happened that made you end up here. A cutie you’ve been pining for hasn’t responded to you in a while and you just checked your DM a few seconds ago to see if she has said anything. Well, still nothing.

What is the next logical step then? Fire up Google looking for funny Tinder opener questions and you stumbled upon this article. So that as and when you get more matches on the app, you don’t end up making the same mistake.

Or maybe you are just new to the online dating space and that is why you are here, trying to understand what are some great Tinder questions to kickstart your online dating life. In that case, before we move to the actual questions, I have a suggestion in advance that you will probably thank me for. Do NOT open a conversation with an elaborate compliment because that can come off as superficial. Even if your match is dead-drop gorgeous, try to open with something amusing and witty first. The compliments can always come later.

And, one more thing. Try to be subjective as well. You cannot start with a steak joke when your match is a vegan so make sure you do a proper background check before dropping anything that totally turns a woman off. Please do your due diligence but remember to have fun too. Personalize your openers by understanding what your match is into and don’t send a bland “Hey”, hoping they will be interested in you. That hasn’t worked in years.

Related Reading: 13 Major Disadvantages Of Online Dating

Funny Tinder questions

If you want to come off as someone with chill vibes who is easy to talk to, then the next few following questions are for you. They’re a bit flirty, but they don’t go too far. This way, you maintain a distance for a camaraderie to develop, but also appear amusing. If you ask me, it’s a great way to start a first conversation.

1. What would it take for someone to take you off this app?

Ahhh, this is one of the fun Tinder questions which will also give you an idea of what your match is trying to do on the app. Some people are on there to simply have fun and meet people and don’t want anything too serious. Humor them by adding your personal touches to them in the follow-up conversation.

2. You want to approach a cute guy/girl but can only open with a terrible pickup line. What do you go with?

After having spent a substantial amount of time on Tinder, I’ve come across a lot of people who want the other person to strike up a fun conversation. Among this list of questions, this specific one will make your match think very hard. Chances are, this might lead them to tell you a funny story about terrible pick-up lines too!

3. The apocalypse starts an hour into our first date. What’s your best attribute that keeps us alive?

Thanks to the scenario of a life-threatening situation, this one will help you learn a lot of important things about your date and even make her think you are hilarious. A light-hearted but useful funny Tinder opener question, you’ll thank me later because this will help you see why someone might not be as compatible as you would think.

4. Do you think I could pull off being bald?

An even funnier question if you’re already bald. If you do have hair on your head just let the imagination lead the way here and don’t be so dead serious about life and your looks. Just have fun with it.

5. What is your favorite thing to do after work/college?

We all have that one thing we like to do to unwind, right? An unusual hobby? Terrible reality show? Weird choice of comfort snack? This question is one of my favorites since it allows you to learn more about your match and what they like to do when they are by themselves. One of the perfect icebreaker questions for Tinder, it’s a nice window into understand your match and what their day looks like.

Related Reading: 40 Best Opening Lines For Online Dating

6. Which hobby is a dead giveaway that someone is single?

Imagine going over to a date’s house and finding out that they collect rocks. Like hundreds of rare rock and mineral specimens? *gulps*. This one from our list of funny Tinder questions is about getting the giggles started as you relax and get to know each other better.

7. Help me solve this brain teaser: Are we going to a beach or a café?

Flirty and funny. A simple way to know if your match is the kind who likes the sound of the ocean during the sunset or someone who enjoys a date in a cozy café with an aesthetic ambiance. Honestly, it’s a question for the sake of it – you should totally be doing both. Who doesn’t want cute and fun first dates?

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You can never go wrong with a late evening cafe date

8. Besides being good-looking, what else do you do?

Because sometimes they are that good looking and it makes you wonder “That pretty face has to work for a living?”. And unless your match has a lot of family inheritance they have to work to make a living too. Starting with a compliment and following it up with a question will get your match to respond to you right away! Keep reading I have some funny ‘would you rather’ questions for Tinder up ahead that will get your matches to respond.

Realted Reading: 31 Funny Ways To Start A Text Conversation And Get Responses!

9. Do you lick or bite soft ice cream?

There are two types of people in this world. And the ones who bite their ice cream, are no less than monsters. Yes Daniel, it is weird and no, it is not normal. Can you even trust the people who bite into their ice cream? This will sound a little ‘out there’ but biting into your ice cream should just be illegal. And no matter how repulsive it may be, it still can be one of the fun questions to ask on Tinder.

10. Would you rather live through a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion?

If I were to compile a list of funny ‘would you rather’ questions for Tinder, this one would top them all. And the world will agree with me when I say this – either option would be better than the year that was 2020. I am glad we’re slowly transitioning back to our pre-covid world. I mean we have to take our matches on a first date, and ask them some flirty first date questions too, right?

11. Would you rather give up coffee or give up sleep?

Behold the ultimate ‘would you rather’ question! Women love coffee and this one will make them think real hard. It has been over a year since we matched and to this day my own girlfriend has not made up her mind about this question. You can’t give up coffee because that will make you sleepy. However, if you give up sleep then you lose out on the experience of waking up to coffee. It’s a big catch 22 situation and will keep your match thinking and wonder what makes sense.

12. Would you rather be married to a 10 with a bad personality or a 6 with an amazing personality?

Preferences. Preferences. Preferences. You can’t be just as funny as you’re hot and the other way around. Some people prioritize looks; others want a strong personality. You know I’m looking out for you, right, because I am simply helping you see things for what they are with the person you’ve matched with. If you want to make them think that you’re not full of yourself and indulge in some mildly self deprecating humor, go ahead and say, “I’m a 6 but my personality makes me a 12,” and they will be so impressed.

13. You just won a free flight for two to anywhere in the world. Where are you taking me?

This is one of the questions to ask your Tinder match if you feel like your conversation isn’t going anywhere. Besides, it answers the most important thing you should know.

Do you both share the same taste in travel destinations? Because if all goes well you might need tips on travel for two. You see women love traveling and I am handing you over the best one from my stash of ‘best Tinder questions to ask a girl’.

Realted Reading: 101 Best Pick-Up Lines For Guys

14. Ever wonder why it’s called ‘after dark’ when it’s really after light?

This one realllly makes you think, doesn’t it? Language has a notorious way of making sense logically but at times when it doesn’t, it throws the mind in a frenzy. You should try using this as your Tinder bio, more so because I retrieved it from the section of my mind labeled ‘funny questions to ask in Tinder bio’, just for you.

Great Tinder questions if you want to be playful

The above questions were those that will make your match laugh and also think really hard. And once they’ve realised how fun you are, they are going to start opening up to you a bit more. Which is where, you finally find some room to be playful with a girl on Tinder and can ask these next ones. Consider some of these next questions for when your equation with your match has gotten more comfortable. It makes sense to be a little more playful now!

15. Titanic. Done. That’s my icebreaker. What’s up?

Sometimes we just run out of funny things to say and can’t always think of hilarious or cheeky Tinder questions, that will floor someone. So use this one word instead.

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Maybe you are unsure if it will be relatable to your match, or it is one of those swipes where you didn’t intend to swipe right but oops? Since you are here looking for funny icebreaker questions for Tinder, it is my responsibility to encourage you to strike up a conversation any which way. Brownie points for you, if Leonardio DiCaprio is her celebrity crush.

16. Using only emojis, explain what you’d like to do on our first date

This next question is also a fun one. Have you been talking to your match for a few days and want to ask them out on a date but aren’t sure how to go about it? This one should take care of it for you. My brother brought this up with me a few weeks ago asking me for ‘the best Tinder questions to ask a girl’ and said it was for a ‘friend’. It wasn’t of course, but I must tell you it has worked in his favor. 

funny icebreaker questions for tinder
Emoji’s and GIF’s are great for ice-breaking

17. So does this mean we are a couple now?

I want you to ask this funny Tinder question as a reply to something cute that only a girlfriend would say and subtly point out the fact that the lines are blurring. Maybe she’s upset about you eating your lunch late, or you two had your first fight.A lot of funny icebreaker questions for Tinder are commonly known by now, so you why not ask cute questions to your crush instead. With this one, you are keeping the right amount of risqué to be smooth and also sweet. 

18. I was waiting for you to text me, but I guess I’ll take this for the team.

You ever like someone a lot and swipe hoping that they swipe you back? And they do but no one’s made a move and it’s been 5 days? Then this is one of the questions to ask your Tinder match when they haven’t gotten back to you. I can relate because that is exactly how I matched with my girlfriend on Tinder. And yes, I used the same icebreaker which is why I can tell you that it works.

19. Important question: Can you wiggle your ears?

If you want to have a fun conversation on Tinder with someone that you like, you might have to risk being a little weird. That’s the only way to find someone who might end up being your kind of weird. And also, it’s super rare to be able to wiggle your ears.

I once matched with a girl who had this in her bio. Yes her bio! And we are best friends now. To this day, at the most random times, she will go around wiggling her ear and I flip every. single. time. Because sometimes funny questions to ask in a Tinder bio will lead you to wholesome friendships. I have to credit our friendship to her skill of making an effective online dating profile.

20. Your bucket list can only have 3 things, what are the other two?

Confidence is key when interacting with a potential date on dating apps. Don’t be too cocky like most guys end up being when you ask her this question from our list of best Tinder questions to ask a girl; be smooth and don’t push it any further if the response is like a ‘Lol’. Work your way up from the basics, and keep the ball rolling.

 21. Which is worse Harry being born to Voldemort or Voldemort killing the trio?

If you are tired of asking fun Tinder questions to your matches, this one can be a good change of pace. Nothing can go wrong with a Harry Potter question or in this case an alternate storyline of Harry Potter. This way you get to see their nerdy side, how cute is that? And for all my nerds struggling to find a tasteful match on Tinder, did you know there are dating sites for nerds too?

22. What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?

I think it would be dodgeball. This is one of those Tinder questions which does not have the right answer to it because the possibilities are endless. It will lead you from one interesting conversation to another, and you might get some fun games ideas for when you are with your friends.

Related Reading: 33 Best Tinder Openers That Simply Can’t Go Wrong

Best questions to ask on Tinder

In this next part, we are really upping the standard of fun Tinder questions you can ask someone who you like. The following ones are truly the cream of the crop, but should be reserved for when you two have been talking for a few days or so. These aren’t the type of questions you can shoot at them out of nowhere. There has to be a buildup and an ease in the conversation, so launch these carefully.

23. What was the weirdest conversation you have overheard?

Are you telling me you have never accidentally overheard two people talking about the most random or strangest thing ever? I am sure we’ve all been there. The weirdest one I have heard so far was between two best friends talking about a couple they know and apparently, the couple had to fire the nanny because her husband had found the nanny on an escort site.

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24. They say good things come to those who wait but you’ve not replied yet, is it because the early bird got the worm?

Tell me if this sounds familiar you’ve used the best among the funny Tinder questions you could find but the ice isn’t broken yet? Want to text them once again without looking desperate? Use this question if you’re willing to give it one last try because your gut says that it’s worth it. These cheeky Tinder questions can actually work in your favor. If your match doesn’t reply to this one either, don’t worry there are a lot of other fish in the sea. Pick another one from this list and try again!

26. When was the last time you did something for the first time?

We all have a list of things we wish to try and experience. Now that you have matched with someone, wouldn’t you like to know whether the person you’re talking to is open to new experiences or if they just prefer a calm and routine life? You’re in for some unusual and hilarious stories on dating apps with this one if you’ve matched with an Aries woman, trust me.

27. What is the most embarrassing moment while you were drunk?

These are SO entertaining and can take the conversation to great heights! You can’t go around asking questions and not include this. You’ll see how the conversation gets going with the two of you sharing the best and most embarrassing moments or stories you’ve got from the time you were wasted. If you truly want to have a fun conversation on Tinder, don’t skip this one. This also includes messages we send to our ex when drunk, oops.

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unny online dating questions to ask him
It all begins with the intention of getting tipsy

28. Ever been in a situation where a friend accidentally turned you on?

We’re all adults here and let’s be honest, most guys and girls have actually experienced this. These are almost never intentional and I speak from personal experience. My best friend ruffled my hair playfully one time in class, which should not have been a huge deal because she and I were always playful with each other, but it did something to me at that moment, and I still think about it at times. Does your Tinder match have one of these stories too? Only one way to find out.

25. What is something that should be done more often but most people only do it occasionally?

I think it’s taking a shower every day. I’m guilty as charged, your honor, especially as winter approaches, however on most days I do shower regularly to keep myself (and those around me) feeling fresh, as should your Tinder match. Ask them this question to learn about their personal habits and the occasional slippages in them. There are some relationship deal breakers that can be avoided easily with questions like these.

29. Which movie resembles your life story so far?

You’re probably hoping the answer from the girl on Tinder isn’t The 40-Year-Old Virgin. Not that there is anything wrong with that. And just between you and me, but Crazy Rich Asians resembles my life quite well on many levels. Don’t ask why.

30. You ever repair something on your own to save money and ended up spending more because you made it worse?

I once tried to fix my iPhone home button which had somehow recessed into the slot using a pry tool and damaged the touch ID. Let’s just say the Apple Genius had a good story to tell at dinner time. Yes, men like to fix things up on their own. For the ladies looking for funny online dating questions to ask him, this one’s for you.

 31. Have you ever gone an entire day outdoors without wearing underwear?

This is one of the questions to ask your Tinder match, once you have REALLY broken the ice.

I’m sure that almost everyone has gone “commando” at least once in their life, either by design or by accident. Before you ask your match this question, read the room well because not everyone will be comfortable with you asking this question. I suggest you avoid using this as an icebreaker and wait till you know a little more about them. And as I am typing this I just realized that these truth or dare questions can be of good use to you as well.

32. Which is a thing that is morally okay but illegal to do?

Some questions begin and end in the gray area. To our good luck Tinder is well encrypted. But you’re going to have to think of something yourself in the event of your match asking you the same question.

On Dating Apps

33. Who tests the dog food when they say that it has a new and improved flavor?

Haha! Not a lot of people know this or have thought about this before, and definitely don’t think about asking it on dating apps. Among this list of funny Tinder questions, this is the one you should use if your match has a pet or is a total dog person. Oh, and the answer to this question is a professional pet food tester.

Cheesy lines for flirting

The next few, are when you want to dial down on getting to know the person and simply make them cringe and laugh at the same time. If you like cheese, the following questions are for you to try with a guy or girl on Tinder, to make the first move on them, romantically. Pay close attention to how they respond to these, to see if you need to tone it down or not. If you ace these, your online matches can quickly turn into real life connections!

34. Why do some couples go to the gym?

The answer is a no-brainer; it’s because they want their relationship to work out. Haha! Get it? Towards the end of this list, I’ve added a few ‘Dad jokes’ which will double up as funny questions. There are a lot of funny ways to start a conversation and get responses if you look in the right places.

Related Reading: The Ultimate Funny Online Dating Questions

35. If you were a fruit, what kind would you be?

Your Tinder match’s response is of little relevance because it’s what you’re going to say that matters… No matter what their reply, you have to follow it up with a, “Well I think you’re a fineapple.” That’s what makes this one of the great Tinder questions. Come on, you know you smiled at that!

36. If you were to feel my shirt, you’d be surprised to find out what it’s made from.

It’s ‘boyfriend material’. If nothing else comes from this, you’ll get a good laugh at the very least and keep the ball rolling. And you are not allowed to cringe at any of this because you were the one looking for ‘funny Tinder questions to ask a girl’. Ask and you shall receive!

37. Are you from Korea? Because I think you’re my Seoul mate.

What did I just say about not cringing? As cheesy as this is, you will get your match to smile with this one. I personally find it very wholesome when I can brighten up someone’s day. If your Tinder match is into cheesy one-liners like you, this one will come in handy with this person you have been swooning over!

38. Do you know CPR?

If they’re not a doctor, there’s a good chance they will say no. But whatever their response is going to be doesn’t quite matter. All you have to do, is follow it up with a “Oh, because you took my breath away,” to really make them smile. See? That was easy wasn’t it? If you want to dial up the flirt, this is the way.

39. If you were a vegetable, what would you be?

Since this one is very similar to the fruit question we just discussed, be careful to not use both of these on the same person. That is going to work against you and make you look extremely desperate. But when they answer this one, tell them that their answer is completely wrong. Because to you, they are a cute-cumber.

40. Are you an artist? Because you are so good at drawing me in

This one is hilarious and a relatively new pick-up line on the block, so chances are that they have’t heard it from somebody else already. If they like this one, your conversation can go really well, and it means you have certainly been asking the right questions. But if their response is boring or uninterested, then try to tone it down.

These are some fun Tinder questions which also double as corny pick up lines, so pay close attention to how they react and to be careful about reading the room. Dating experts suggest that the most important thing with these questions is making sure the other person is actually enjoying them.

41. My mom told me not to talk to strangers online, but I think I can make an exception for you

This is one of the questions to ask on Tinder or other dating apps which isn’t a question on a surface, but certainly elicits quite a response. It’s hard to resist this one especially as a woman and seenzone the person who sent it. So if you really want to foray into flirting aggressively, this is your go-to!

42. You sound busy, but is there any chance of adding me to your to-do list?

This next question is going to make things a bit hot. A little sexual banter on dating apps like Tinder doesn’t hurt. But only if you are sure, your match will be comfortable with it. If you want to get naughty and playful, try your hand at this one in order to have a fun conversation on Tinder, that is also super spicy.

43. I’m new in the city, can I have directions to your place?

These are questions to ask your Tinder match when you two have had an explosive conversation! If you think a sexual connection might be there and that your date is feeling open and adventurous, this is one of the fun Tinder questions to ask them that may even translate into a fun night.

Phew! You’ve finally made it to the end, and I hope this list of funny Tinder questions fetches you better and more consistent responses from your matches, while also keeping the conversations entertaining. We hope that wasn’t too many questions to go over, but it certainly will be worth it if you try. As you start talking to more people online, make sure you don’t rotate these same questions as it will bore yourself eventually. Keep them fresh and personalise them as you go. The more matches, the more creatively you get to play around.

If there is a friend whose dating game is totally off and only asks girls their favorite color on apps like Tinder, make sure to send this article their way. Happy swiping to you both, and we hope your online matches manifest into real life soon!

This article was updated in May 2022.

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  34. Today, I went to the beachfront with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!

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