Online Dating

6 Fun Online Dating Profile Templates You Can Use

Creating a dating profile from scratch can feel overwhelming, daunting, intimidating, and for good reason. Your dating profile is a mini version of who you are, and who you are just might attract your somebody, either forever or for now.

Creating a dating profile from scratch requires a lot of thought, effort, and consideration, like writing a resume. You want to make sure you present the best version of yourself while being genuine, funny, and charming. It’s not an easy undertaking. 

But just like a resume or a cover letter, there are lots of resources available to help write a dating profile. By using an online dating profile template, it gives you a guideline to make it a little less stressful. Here are 6 fun online dating profile templates to inspire you when you’re creating yours. 

1.The romantic
You lead with your heart and all of your answers reflect that.

What’s your favorite food? Strawberries and champagne. 
Who would you most want to have dinner with? Your grandparents to ask them how they keep their marriage strong.
What’s your favorite movie? You say it’s Star Wars but it’s really The Notebook because you’re a sucker for Ryan Gosling.
Who’s your favorite band? Explosions in the Sky. “Your Hand in Mine” is your favorite song.

2.The clown
You are, well, funny. If your dating profile can make them laugh, you’re almost guaranteed a swipe in the right direction.

What’s your favorite movie? Dumb and Dumber because it was the first movie to make you laugh.
Who is your idol? Steve Martin, because his humor is classic and inoffensive.
What’s the coolest concert you’ve ever been to? Flight of the Concords, in New Zealand.
Who did you want to meet growing up? Kevin McCallister because you love a good prank.

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3. The academic
People like smart, and you are smart. You’re the one all your friends ask about current affairs or when they need to understand how to vote on a particular referendum.

Which fictional character are you most like? Alex P. Keaton, but on the liberal side.
What would your last meal be? A Scotch egg and a small glass of bourbon.
Who have you always wanted to meet? Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
What’s the last book you read? Middlemarch by George Eliot.

4. The hard-worker
Hard-working people are reliable, generous, and goal-oriented, three qualities that many people are looking for in their relationship. You’re the person your friends call when they need help moving, or need help with anything at all.

What would the title of your memoir be? Who You Gonna Call? Me, Your Best Friend.
What’s the last movie you saw in the theater? The Irishman, because you love a challenge.
What did you want to be when you grew up? A mechanic, and now you own your own auto shop.
What’s your dream house look like? I own it, and I’d love to show you sometime.

5. The doggy dad
This is an online dating profile template for all pet dads, but you’re a dog person. You like dog people. You are proud of your dog and you spend most of your time entertaining him.

Do you believe in astrology? Well, you and your dog are both Leos and you’re very compatible, so yes.
What does your perfect day look like? You’d sleep in, take your dog for a run around the lake, and then go to your favorite brewery for a pint and some dog treats. Afterward, you’d take your dog home and enjoy a nice dinner out with your favorite people and maybe end it with a movie, cuddled on the couch with the pup.
Are you a competitive person? Only when you’re playing tug-of-war with your dog.
What do you do for fun? Run, try new beer with your friends, read, obviously play with your dog. 

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6. The tech guy
You’re a nerd and you’re proud of it. You love to code, you love to read, and you’re the first person everyone calls when they need their computer or phone looked at.

What kind of food do you like? All food, you are very open-minded and flexible.
What do you do for fun? Fix old computers, play video games, watch Netflix.
Who was your childhood hero? Bill Gates.
If you won the lottery… You’d start a nonprofit to encourage kids to get into STEM. 

These 6 online dating profile templates will help you get started. Edit, customize, and make them your own! Happy swiping!

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