Self Development

What’s Wrong With Me? 9 Ways To Rectify It

Have you ever had one of those days when it seems like everything is going wrong

We tend to blame ourselves during these times and find ourselves thinking, “Is something wrong with me?” 

The answer is no, and you’re not alone in these feelings.

Everyone experiences self-defeating thoughts on occasion.

While these thoughts tend to feel like a black hole, you can pull yourself out of the darkness and recognize that you are okay just as you are.

What’s Wrong With Me – Why Do I Feel Like This? 

It’s no secret – life gets tough sometimes.

When it does, we tend to feel low and engage in unproductive self-talk. We can be our own worst critics and believe everything is our fault.

Understanding why you think this way can help you take the actions needed to change your self-perception.

Here are some of the most common reasons you feel like something is wrong with you. 

1. You’re Overworked

If you tackle too many responsibilities, the natural reaction is to feel overwhelmed. Overworking tends to diminish your energy and motivation. 

When we have low energy and feel exhausted, we are more likely to engage in negative self-talk and thoughts that we aren’t up to snuff. 

If you feel like your plate is full, and you notice you’re getting overwhelmed – pay attention. Give yourself a break to recharge, and your self-defeating thoughts will likely disperse.

2. Perfectionism Is Getting The Best Of You

Perfectionism is a slippery slope. We all want to be the best versions of ourselves, but sometimes you can try too hard to get it all right. 

We beat ourselves up for not doing everything perfectly and think something is wrong when we fall short. Don’t hold yourself to impossible standards. Remember, you’re human, and it is natural to make mistakes. In fact, mistakes help you learn and grow.

3. You Compare Yourself To Others

The grass is always greener on the other side. When we compare ourselves to others, we look at their lives with rose-colored glasses. 

No matter how great they look on the outside, everyone has their battles and deals with self-doubt. In the digital age, it’s easy to look at someone’s social media and assume their life is perfect. 

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Remember, people only show what they want you to see, which rarely includes the unpleasant stuff going on behind the scenes. 

4. You  Feel Unfulfilled 

Working an unfulfilling job or being in unsatisfying relationships makes everyone feel off-kilter. If you’re not where you want to be, you tend to believe the problem is you rather than your environment. 

Take a look around you and think about your life. Does it make you feel good, or do you see areas needing serious improvement? If the answer is yes, take steps to improve your life, and chances are you’ll begin to feel there’s not a thing wrong with you.. 

5. You Are Lonely

Humans are incredibly social creatures. We need other people to feel fulfilled and happy. Even introverted homebodies require social interaction. 

Loneliness leads to isolation and even depression that makes us feel down on ourselves. If you aren’t socializing, it’s easy to feel like something is wrong with you. 

Meeting new people is a great way to build your social circle and cut down on feelings of loneliness. 

What is Wrong with Me? 9 Actions to Take When You Feel This Way 

Everyone feels off every once in a while, but we’re here to tell you there is nothing “wrong” with you. It may be hard to convince yourself of this truth when you’re experiencing these emotions. 

But there are some time-tested strategies to help you see yourself in a new light and recognize how very ok you are. 

1. Give Yourself A Break

Sometimes when we are overworked and stressed, our sense of self suffers. We don’t feel good about ourselves and start to doubt our self-worth. We begin to think of things we could have done differently or still need to do. 

Sometimes the best thing to do when you find yourself asking, “Is there something wrong with me?” is to take a break. Whether it’s a walk around the block or deep breaths, these moments are essential for our mental health. 

2. Practice Gratitude

When we feel low, we focus on what we lack and everything we don’t have. Practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to shift our mindset to one of positivity and abundance. 

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Gratitude helps ground us and reminds us how worthy we are. Practicing gratitude every day can limit thoughts of self-doubt. It also helps break our cyclical negative thoughts. You can start each day by naming three things you’re grateful for. 

3. Remember The Feeling Will Pass

Whenever you catch yourself thinking, “Why do I feel like this?” it’s best to remember this is your anxiety talking. Anxiety makes you assume your feelings are permanent and will never get better. Take back your power and remember the feeling will pass just as it always has. 

Sometimes when we get caught up in negative self-talk, we have a hard time bringing ourselves back to the center. In these moments, remind yourself about the impermanence of our thoughts and feelings. 

4. Practice A Quick Meditation

Meditation is one of the best things to do when you question what’s wrong with you. Deep and slow breathing signals the parasympathetic nervous system to calm you down. It also helps to slow down the mind and reduce negative thoughts. 

Regular meditation is an excellent tool for staying present and positive. Making it a practice can quash thoughts that something isn’t right with you. 

You can easily find a quick meditation online or on your smartphone so that you can meditate from almost anywhere. 

5. Be Compassionate With Yourself

We can be our own worst enemy. Our self-talk during low points edges on self-abuse. It is not how you’d speak to your friends and loved ones, so why talk to yourself this way? 

If we took a step back and listened to what we say to ourselves when we feel down, we would be appalled.

Try to imagine what you’d say to a friend if they expressed similar feelings about themselves. Encourage and reassure yourself of your greatness and accomplishments. 

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6. Call A Loved One

Reach out to a friend if you’re having difficulty getting out of a negative headspace and feel like something is wrong with you.  

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Sometimes talking to someone we care about is enough to pull ourselves out of this space. Expressing our feelings aloud to someone else also helps us recognize how untrue the feelings are. 

Our loved ones also help to reassure us there is nothing wrong with us, and we are just caught up in negative feelings. 

7. Practice Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool for building your confidence and self-worth. If you practice speaking positive affirmations, you’ll be less likely to fall into despair, believing something is wrong with you. 

Find a good list of positive affirmations and choose those that resonate with you. When you have self-doubt, repeat the affirmations that give you a sense of peace and self-acceptance. 

8. Practice Self-Love

Sometimes the weight of our hectic schedules gets the best of us. We balance work, family, household chores, and social events, and our self-care ends up on the back burner. 

Self-love and self-care are so crucial to promoting feelings of worthiness. Make self-love and self-care a priority if you frequently feel down about yourself. It’s as simple as taking 10-15 minutes to stretch and breathe or enjoy a cup of tea with your phone on silent. 

Remember You Are Not Alone

Everyone has negative self-talk at some point every day. We all have far more negative thoughts than positive ones. We may think we are past specific defeating thought patterns only for them to arise again when we feel low. 

When you find yourself ruminating about what is wrong with you, remember you are not alone with these feelings.

There is nothing wrong with you, and these feelings will pass. But it’s validating to know other people experience these types of thoughts – even people you may think have it all.

If you frequently think, “What is wrong with me? Why am I like this?” – keep this list of strategies handy. Remember to give yourself a break and be kind to yourself in these moments. 

Deep breathing, meditation, gratitude, and reaching out to friends are all simple actions. When you practice them regularly, you’ll notice you feel more is right with you than wrong. 

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