
Ex In Your Dreams? Find Out What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Ex

What does it imply whenever you dream about your ex? Has that query been conserving you up at night time? Nicely, that makes the 2 of us! It’s been over a decade since I moved on from the final unhealthy breakup, finally discovered somebody new, obtained married, and had a child – the entire gamut. Even so, there are occasions when my exes pay me a go to in my goals.

Evidently, I spend the higher a part of the subsequent day (or days, relying on the context), questioning, “What does it imply to dream about an ex?” Generally, the dream is so actual that I can nearly really feel that it occurred IRL.

Throughout remedy, I casually introduced up dreaming about my exes, particularly my old flame. My therapist took it much more significantly than I might’ve imagined. I’m glad she did as a result of it helped me decode the ‘what does it imply when an ex seems in your dream?’ thriller. I’m right here to share a few of these insights with you.

15 Causes You Are Dreaming About Your Ex – And This Is What It Means

Dreaming about an ex, regardless of how distant or latest, can result in a number of complicated feelings for most individuals. For those who’re nonetheless pining for them, it’s possible you’ll begin trying into the non secular which means of dreaming about your ex. Is it an indication that your ex is considering you? Does it imply they remorse breaking apart? Are you destined to be collectively?

Nicely, as fantastical as it might be to connect a deeper significance and search for the biblical which means of dreaming about your ex, it’s not the reality. A dream about an ex shouldn’t be the universe sending you an indication to get again collectively. Primarily, it’s simply your unconscious thoughts’s manner of processing the latent feelings of the previous and current.

It’s typically stated goals are the way in which your unconscious thoughts communicates together with your acutely aware one. Judging by how we instantly appear to neglect the vivid recollections of our dream a minute after waking up, we’d say it’s not the very best mode of communication! Even so, having goals about an ex can go away you sitting in the midst of your mattress, attempting to shake off that confused look in your face.

To place this in perspective, let’s discover 15 widespread causes you might be dreaming about your ex and what they imply:

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1. If the goals coincide with a brand new relationship, you’re frightened

While you dream about your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend simply as you’re on the cusp of a brand new relationship, it’s an indication that you simply’re frightened about historical past repeating itself. Maybe, the breakup has left you feeling insecure in relationships, and part of you is scared that your new associate will damage or abandon you a similar manner your ex did.

Unhealthy goals about your ex, the type the place you two are preventing/imply to one another, signify that there are some unresolved feelings from that breakup and also you’re frightened they’ll pop up in your life once more. This one will really feel significantly complicated because you have been satisfied you’re falling for this new particular person. All of the sudden, dreaming of your ex coming again to you, it makes you doubt if you happen to ever actually moved on.

2. While you dream about your ex getting again along with you, it’s a manifestation of your needs

Some of the widespread and recurrent themes, when folks dream about their exes, is of rekindling an previous romance. The ex comes again into your life, they beg on your forgiveness, even use the best apology language, and wish you again. You bury the hatchet and collectively, you embark on a brand new journey.

While you do dream about you and your ex getting again collectively, it might signify just a few issues. Maybe you’re growing emotions for them once more, which principally simply means you’ve forgotten the explanations that you simply two broke up within the first place. Otherwise you’ve discovered all you wanted to. What it means to dream of an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend couldn’t get extra complicated!

3. You dream of falling in love with an ex whenever you miss part of your self

Dreaming about falling in love together with your ex is completely different from whenever you merely dream about an ex. On this case, you might be reliving the identical feelings and emotions you skilled whenever you first fell in love with them.

As everyone knows, the expertise of falling in love is characterised by a way of latest goals, pleasure, ardour, need, and hopes for a dreamy future. Maybe, you acutely miss feeling these feelings. This sometimes occurs when you may have been in a steady relationship lengthy sufficient for the novelty and pleasure to put on off. Or whenever you’re going by way of a little bit of a dry spell sexually. So, if this specific thought, “Why do I maintain dreaming about my ex once I’m fortunately married?”, has stored you up at night time, this is perhaps the explanation.

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4. While you dream about your ex 2 nights in a row, your thoughts is processing the breakup

For those who’re attempting to recover from the breakup whereas it’s nonetheless contemporary, it’s possible you’ll dream about your ex extra constantly. Naturally, together with your feelings nonetheless all over, whenever you dream about your ex 2 nights in a row or extra, it could possibly go away you very confused.

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It’s psychological preparation to start the method of therapeutic. So, all in all, dreaming about an ex quickly after a breakup might be thought of excellent news. It’s possible you’ll not have moved on but, however on a unconscious degree, your thoughts is laying the groundwork for it to occur.

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5. In case your ex apologizes within the dream, you’re in search of closure

Are you dreaming about your ex texting you and apologizing profusely for hurting you? On this case, the ex doesn’t plead to get again collectively nor would you like them to. They only sit you down, supply some form of a proof for his or her actions, and search your forgiveness. Possibly it ends with you wishing one another happiness in life and going your separate methods.

To know what it means when an ex seems in your dream on this method, take a second to replicate on whether or not you may have extra questions than solutions about why the connection ended. It’s doable that you simply desperately crave closure, to have the ability to put your previous behind you, and transfer ahead. Besides, your ex hasn’t given it to you.

6. While you dream about an ex kissing you, you crave intimacy

While you dream about your ex-boyfriend kissing you – or an ex-girlfriend or ex-partner, for that matter – it displays your eager for an intimate connection in actual life. Maybe, you’ve been single for the reason that breakup or had a string of flings and informal hookups, however nothing deep or significant. Or maybe you’re in a sexless marriage.

You crave that intimacy you shared together with your ex-partner and your dream is a manner of fulfilling that want that has gone unaddressed for a lot too lengthy. Since this associate is perhaps the closest factor to bodily intimacy you’ve had lately, it’s apparent they’re the primary particular person you’ll dream of whenever you crave it.

Don’t misconstrue this for you growing emotions for this particular person once more. It’d simply be the lust that’s making you dream about your ex calling you in the midst of the night time, telling you there’s nobody at his/her place proper now, so…

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7. Goals about getting together with a partner point out a need to construct bridges

While you dream about your ex-husband or ex-wife and see your equation with them surrounded by a halo of positivity, it signifies that you’ve the will to construct bridges with them. Nicely, not essentially, to revive the wedding you misplaced, however maybe to carry on to some a part of the journey you shared.

These goals are sometimes extra pronounced and frequent if you happen to and your former partner share custody of the kids and when it was a divorce by mutual consent. Possibly for his or her sake, you want to get alongside together with your ex. If it isn’t taking place in actual life, your unconscious affords you solace by conjuring up that slice of an imperfectly good household in your goals.

It’s doable that it might occur whenever you’re at the moment married to another person. Whereas married, attempting to reply “Why do I maintain dreaming about my ex once I’m fortunately married?” isn’t one thing you thought you’d be doing. Nevertheless, it might simply be since you’ve had kids with that particular person.

8. Intercourse goals about an ex can point out both longing or therapeutic

So, you dreamt of indulging in scorching, passionate intercourse together with your ex. Or perhaps you dreamed of dishonest in your associate together with your ex. Understandably, this might result in many complicated feelings, leaving you unsettled and shaken up. Much more so, if you happen to’re already in a relationship (talking from *cough cough* expertise). It’s possible you’ll be left riddled with guilt, nearly as if you happen to’ve cheated in your associate.

Now, goals rely on the place you’re at within the therapeutic and transferring on course of. If part of you needs to get again collectively together with your ex (since you suppose it was a pressured finish to the connection), then this dream might imply hassle. You’ll see this as a hopeful signal that your ex will come again. The will to get your ex again is amplifying and taking on quite a lot of your headspace. You need to make a acutely aware effort to rein in these emotions as quickly as doable.

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However, if you happen to’ve really moved ahead and don’t have any need to let your ex again in your life, then this dream might signify that you’re executed beating your self up about your previous relationship decisions.

9. Your ex, your associate, and also you – unresolved emotions at play

What does it imply when an ex seems in your dream alongside your present associate? To reply this query, you have to delve deeper into how you’re feeling about your ex.

Dreaming about an ex, your associate, and also you collectively in any situation – be it nice (all of you chilling collectively on a seashore) or worrying (you attempting to cover your ex out of your associate) – factors to unresolved emotions at play. After I say unresolved emotions, I don’t essentially imply romantic ones.

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Even if you happen to nonetheless maintain anger, damage, or grudges towards your ex, within the unconscious thoughts, these feelings will have an effect in your current life and relationship. The goals you’re having are only a reflection of that truth. Though it might not appear to be it whereas all three of you might be chilling collectively, sure unhealthy goals concerning the ex, like these, are telling you that the unresolved emotions are affecting your present relationship.

10. While you dream about your ex texting you, you need to textual content them

Have you ever been controlling the urge to drunk textual content your ex? Is it taking each ounce of self-control in your being to not “U up?” them at 2 a.m.? While you dream about an ex texting you, it’s your thoughts’s manner of channelizing that unmet need.

This normally occurs extra typically whenever you’re contemporary out of a relationship and attempting to deal with the breakup. Much more so, if you happen to’ve been having a tough time sticking to the no-contact rule and don’t know about what your ex has been as much as for the reason that breakup or how they’re doing.

11. Dreaming about being again in a poisonous relationship signifies trauma

Had been you in a poisonous or abusive relationship? Do you dream about nonetheless being caught together with your abusive ex, reliving the ache and trauma again and again? Initially, I’m sorry that you simply needed to undergo that. I hope you’re on a path to reclaim your life.

Lots of people who’ve been in such damaging relationships dream about being caught there another time – being overwhelmed, abused, and locked up in a darkish room by their ex. These goals that you simply’ve been having might be an indication of post-traumatic stress dysfunction (PTSD). In lay phrases, you may have been traumatized and are carrying the results of that trauma with you.

As arduous as it might appear to succeed in out to somebody and speak about these painful experiences, I converse from expertise once I say that going into remedy might be liberating. It helps you get in contact with and course of quite a lot of latent feelings in a way that they don’t maintain sway over you anymore.

The therapist may help you with a dream evaluation to succeed in to the basis trigger. Permitting your self to embark on this journey will even allow you to make peace together with your previous, transfer ahead in life, and be accessible for future relationships.

12. Dreaming about breaking apart another time signifies a way of loss

What does it imply whenever you dream about your ex breaking apart with you another time? Nicely, for one, it’s completely brutal. There’s a good likelihood the feelings you expertise in your dream will go away a foul aftertaste for days.

To know what it means, it’s a must to assess the dream vis-à-vis your current circumstances. If the breakup occurred a very long time in the past, take a more in-depth have a look at your circumstances. Have you ever confronted rejection in any type lately? Maybe you didn’t get a job you had interviewed for. Misplaced a promotion. Your pitch for a undertaking didn’t get accepted. It might be any variety of situations. Since your thoughts associates the ache of rejection with that breakup, the dream is a strategy to course of the opposite setback you’ve lately skilled.

If the breakup was latest, then it’s your thoughts’s manner of dealing with the loss. You’re not over the ex and the ache of being dumped. Your thoughts is releasing a few of that ache by way of these conjured-up situations.

13. Dream of an ex in a brand new relationship means you’re letting go

What if you happen to dream of your ex being in a brand new relationship, that too with somebody they at all times stated you had no motive to fret about? You dream of crossing paths with them, stopping by to say hi there, maybe even sharing a drink, after which, you go your separate methods.

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Nicely, the dream can really feel oddly liberating. For those who’ve had it, you already know what I imply. A wierd sense of reduction washes over you. Nicely, that’s precisely what it signifies. While you dream about your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend in a brand new relationship with out being affected by it, it’s an indication that you simply’re letting go of that a part of your previous.

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14. Your ex is in hassle and turns to you for assist – You continue to care about them A LOT

For those who dream about your ex reaching out and you permit all the things on the drop of the hat to hurry to be by their facet, it’s a robust indicator that you simply nonetheless care about them lots. It could have been years because you broke up, however you continue to cherish the bond you shared with them and worth them.

This occurs in circumstances the place the breakup was amicable, and pushed by exterior circumstances – such because the hardships of a long-distance relationship – moderately than your emotions for one another. You will have moved on, however someplace you’ve held on to that a part of your life.

15. For those who dream about your ex dying, you’ve healed from the breakup

Ever dreamed of your ex dying in entrance of your eyes whilst you do nothing to save lots of them? Or perhaps about killing them with your individual arms? Breathe straightforward, such goals don’t imply that you simply’re a sinister, evil particular person wishing loss of life on somebody.

Quite the opposite, these disagreeable goals about your ex might be excellent news. Because of this you’re lastly freed from all of the resentment, anger, frustration, or grudges you will have held in opposition to your ex all alongside. You’ve forgiven them for no matter fallacious they did to you. And also you’ve forgiven your self for no matter half you performed within the relationship going awry. You’re free from the clutches of the previous, prepared to show over a brand new leaf in earnest.

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Key Pointers

  • Dreaming about an ex can have a deeper which means, particularly if the goals are recurring
  • You probably have not healed from a foul relationship, goals about an ex might be your unconscious thoughts’s manner of searching for closure
  • When folks turn out to be stagnant in a relationship, they typically dream of an ex simply to really feel the frenzy of a brand new love
  • Don’t take your goals about an ex too actually and don’t allow them to have an effect on your future/current relationships

What does it imply whenever you dream about your ex? The reply to this query is at all times contextual. It is determined by the standard of your previous relationship, your present frame of mind, how lengthy it has been because you broke up, and so forth. That stated, goals about an ex are at all times about you and never the opposite particular person. Dream journaling might be a great way to make notes and perceive the place your goals are rooted. I hope this text has helped you get some solutions to your goals about an ex and may help you progress ahead, towards a cheerful and wholesome relationship.

This text was up to date in December 2022.


1. Does dreaming about your ex imply they miss you?

Dreaming about an ex has nothing to do with them and it’s extra about you. Possibly you haven’t moved on from them and secretly need for them to overlook you.

2. Is it true if you happen to dream of somebody they dream of you?

Goals are the product of our personal unconscious ideas and experiences, which signifies that once we dream about somebody, it’s not as a result of they’re fascinated with us, however moderately as a result of we’re subconsciously fascinated with them.

3. What does it imply to dream about an ex you don’t speak to anymore?

For those who dream about your ex, it signifies they’re nonetheless in your life, whether or not or not they’re in a critical relationship. It additionally implies that this particular person is in your thoughts due to an unsolved subject between the 2 of you.

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