
How to Meet Someone in the Upcoming New Year

The start of a new year always gives you pause to think about your life, and there is no better time to think about the new year than right now. After all, you’ll have a few months to work on any goals you have then by the time the new year rolls around, you’ll have a good start on where you eventually want to be.

Is it silly to have a New Year’s Resolution related to dating? No way. Like anything in life, having a fulfilling romantic life takes time, dedication, and a little luck. You can work on the first two and it will help you with the third. How’s that for wisdom! Here are some tips for making your dream of a relationship come true this year.

Ways to Find Other Singles

Meeting someone special is the top resolution for many singles. After all, when you’re alone (and lonely), you simply want to meet someone. You might not have a specific idea on how you will go about meeting him or her. To make this resolution a reality, you need a plan. There are several great ways to meet someone new, including:

  • Speed Dating
  • Online Dating
  • Set Ups from Friends
  • Singles Groups
  • Lunch Dating
  • Church Groups
  • Volunteering
  • Classes and Hobby Workshops

The key to any of these ways to meet people is time. Rather than looking for an instant date, work toward the goal of finding someone within, say, a year. This is a big chunk of time in order to get to know other people at your church, chat up other singles who might be volunteering, or even meet an online match.

Improve Your Odds of Meeting Someone Great This Year

Choose between one and three options from the list I just mentioned (or think of a new one not listed) and give them each a try for at least six months. Try to vary your options. For example, if you chose online dating to try, then add volunteering or single groups as a backup. This way you are mixing dating services with natural ways to meet people.

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At the end of six months, access your progress. Did you meet someone new? If you didn’t, which methods worked best for you, and which left you lacking? If you enjoyed online dating, for example, you could add lunch dating, which works along the same concept. If you liked meeting people through volunteer work, try adding another option where you are naturally put together with others, like classes or hobbies.

Create a Dating Plan and Stick to It for Six Months

The challenge with this is sticking to your dating plan for at least half a year. You might be tempted to give up if you don’t meet someone within a few months. Don’t quit! The path to a new relationship doesn’t come quickly.

For things like online, speed, or lunch dating, six months is a reasonable time to get acclimated to the process and meet a variety of people. People tend to come and go on these sites, so give yourself the proper amount of time so you can meet the greatest number of individuals you possibility can (as opposed to logging on, becoming frustrated at the lack of potential matches, and giving up.)

You also need half a year to see what types of classes are being offered, which volunteer opportunities are available, and which hobbies might help you meet others. Sometimes the key to success is just making yourself available. You might, for example, sign up to volunteer somewhere, and click with a friend who then introduces you to someone special. You never know how the connections you make will help you meet your perfect match.

See also  How to Meet Singles in Vancouver

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